Yup, that's right. I'm finally moving to my own apartment. After living with my mom for the past 23 years (yeah, I know >____>') I've 'finally' got enough courage to move away. Anyway, the main reason I'm doing this update is to tell you guys not to get confused if there's hardly any progress on the movie in the upcoming days. (or the past few days too, it's been really busy)
The apartment is officially mine as of last friday, and there's a lot of stuff to figure out and prepare. If I'm lucky, I'll be doing the 'official' moving today, after work. We are having some difficulties getting a moving truck/van, but a friend of mine MIGHT be able to get one from his work today, and help us out. Fingers crossed, everyone...
Congrats. I remember when I moved into my first one....it was terrible lol, but the sense of independence is priceless. Good luck!
Yeah it's pretty awesome. Everything went smooth for me. I don't feel as lonely as i was expecting to, but that might be just because everything is still so fresh and/or I have been super busy for the past few days.