
Age 38, Male

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So basically what you're saying is that you're completely abandoning what you've done over the years and starting over with something new?

I'm always a fan of new stuff but this series I was hoping would be different, if you do this you'll be alienating pretty much your entire fanbase and perhaps losing fans as well, unless you're the kind of artist that doesn't care about that.

I've been a fan since the first installment and Snowball was my favorite character of the series and for his death to really have no meaning is to be honest, very sad and a waste of the entire storyline.

I am a little intrigued about the next installment you have in mind but I'm concerned about how Snowball plays a part in it, is it a spin off? A parallel world? Some rip in the space time continuum or something along those lines?

As a fan all I can do is voice my opinion and watch my and others complaints be tossed aside like a cheap toy, but it just seems odd that you both like fan ideas but ultimately stick to your own, kinda rendering others opinions rather pointless and moot.

Still looking forward to what you have coming up next, but please give Snowball's death meaning at least, if you don't then it would have been a waste after these years of watching this awesome flash series.

Well, the stories has never linked in the previous episodes. Each installment has always been it's own thing, with a different story and theme. There are countless of reasons why I'm doing it this way, the most important one being that I can have way more variation in the style and action, and thus, keep the animating way more interesting for me. If the series was one continuous storyline, I would have gotten bored of animating it a long, long time ago.

As I said, I might make a direct sequel to Bk5 some day, but not anytime soon.

I appreciate your honest opinion though :)

I think the prequel sounds very interesting.

Honestly, I like the idea of bunnykill 6, but the whole gothic idea doesn't hit me right. It really doesn't keep the flow of the end of number 5, with dust going after ???. Also, the goth stuff makes me think of snowball going all dark and stuff. I have an idea that you might not like, but i was thinking that there could be a mysterious bunny who infiltrates ???'s lab and helps Dust along the way, and it is revealed that the mysterious bunny in the black cloak with hood up is snowball, and I would also like to see the return of the female bunny, rose, but you killed her off, so that wouldn't happen. Also, I like the monster idea, like have Snowball or Dust get trapped in a place and ???'s minions drop monsters in there, and they are forced to get out. I also like the new hardcore action style, and the Bk5 prequel, well, those are my views, sorry if i wasted your time.

"with Dust going after ???" O _ o Did you even read my post? :P
I already said that I will not be continuing Bk5's story. Bk6 will have it's own storyline/characters, and there is a very very good chance that you'll see Ruby in it as well.

Please make Snowball come back (Raiden MGS style!) He is a speed base action hero! So an stylish exoskeleton will work on him!

Ehh, I dunno. I'm not planning on making a direct sequel to Bk5 so trying to come up with story elements for it at this point seems reduntant.

Prequel? Sounds nice. Fighting monsters? Sounds better. It's all cool since you'll be doing both but chrono order would probably be a better idea. Go for prequel first

Im sorry but im a little confused... In BK1 snowball and smoke are enemies and snowball kills smoke...In BK2 snowball and dust are enemies and snowball kills dust...(Now we beggin)In BK3 they are all alive(Smoke,Dust,prof.Sludge)Smoke and snowball are friends and they are enemies with prof.sludge and dust(I dont know about Dust because he had those white eyes)Then they all die...In BK4 Flint and snowball are enemies and snowball is friends with rubythen again they all die exept snowball...In BK5 Snowball's boss is Flint,snowball is friends with dust enemies with prof.sludge and smoke and smoke is friends with prof sludge then they all die exept dust...After I read the comments I sawd that in BK6 that Snowball and Ruby are gonna be alive...Im totaly confused!

The stories of the Bunnykill movies are not connected, at all. Imagine them all taking place in different dimensions.

On the report on BK5.2 who was the ??? His last words were Well Shit!

Good lord,the only thing I'd ever want in my life is to see Hank as a bunny and shows up in the series.

Oh,and BK6 is my opinion.

I honestly would like to see Sludge do more than "Woohoo! I am science-y and evil but never directly enter combat and--Oh no, I am stabbed! goodbye cruel world!" Think he might have a larger combat-based role in the prequel?

Or how about Bk6? Count Sludge-ula! Genius, yes?


On a side note, I also thought of a way to make Wild West a little bit more realistic for an episode. After a quarter in or so, you could throw in steampunk. Gives you a lot more freedom than just a plain old western scene, doesn't it?

All stuff I thought was worth mention. And good luck on the next video/Prequel of existing video!

Sludge will not have any combat sequences, sorry. His role will still be on the sidelines, only this time he gets a bit more screentime. (not much though, still thinking about all the details) I have already planned to have the new character be the boss of the movie, and there is simply no room for 2 bosses this time, as I want to make the movie a bit shorter than the previous ones.

...Count Sludgula. lol. I was going to add a dracula type boss for Bk6, but I don't think i'll use Sludge for that :P

As for the western steampunk... You know what? That's actually pretty good idea. I'll definitely keep it in mind in case I can't come up with a better one after Bk6 :D