
Age 38, Male

Joined on 10/17/03

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Demanding Ruby coming back is like demanding George Lucas to bring Yoda back. Either way, not happening.

Well, since each movie has it's own separate story, theme and era, I can bring back old characters if i feel like it.(already did it with smoke and dust) Whether or not I'll revive Ruby for Bk5 is still uncertain though(don't hold your breath :3)

^ I take it you didn't see Mottis' reply to one of the earlier reviews, then?

on a note other then zombie BK, I think I'm ready to begin speculation on the term semi-futuristic. By that, I'm fairly sure you don't mean lazers, but rather upgraded weapons and armor thats slightly better then what we have today (I.e.like an AR-45, MP-12, a 1up ta .357 revolver, better bullet proof armor, ENHANCED and SHARPER swords [not that snowball needs it], etc.) maybe even an introduction of a new war beasts or gaurd animals or, idk, robots like C3P0 or R2D2 only not as cool instead of battle droids or something. If I am remotely close, just put a simple "Yes."....and maybe your favorite smiley.

Well, if you've ever played perfect Dark on the N64, it's a bit like that.

I wonder, hours after the events of BK4, if that Snowball (Ninjaball) is freaking out like Wafflepwn's psycho brother over his lost GF.

so the bunnykill 5 is semi futuristic, i have many ideas how this will go down, oh and loved bunny kill 4 by the way though it is sad that all of snowballs friends die at the end of every bunny kill, as i said before i have many ideas but i do think that a steam punk version of bunny kill could do very well with all my ideas on weapons and what they can do. and i think the machine gun would do very well in BK5.

Well... are you going to make a Grand Theft Auto theme? What theme are you gonna do then?

Lulz ninjaz.

Hey, how do you, erm, mask the eyes of the bunny without anything else getting in the way?

umm I'm sorry but I don't understand the question... ^^'

Near the end of Bunnykill 1, Smoke yawns, showing the first mouth ever. So the noses aren't mouths.

I'm planning to work on a really stupid parody showing what happened hours after the events in Bunnykill 4, but I'm not going to restate my question cause I already found a solution.

Oh, and I tried to recreate your graphics. I think I got the perfect colors.

Yeah now that I look back, it's funny that Bunnykill1 is the only bunnykill so far that shows a mouth on one of the characters.(excluding the mech from Bk3, obviously)

Maybe, you should make a crossover with madness and bunnykill someday. That would be effing awesom.

I agree. Though there are several things that might prove problematic since our animating style is so different.(even though it might not look like it) Krinkles has a layer for every body part, where I have one layer per character. He also uses 30 fps, where I use 20.

One layer a character? I don't know how you move the eyes though. I thought it was mask.

Nah, I dont use masks that often.
Only when someone enters a door or something.

I make the eyes+nose+head into it's own object. A graphics object, not a movie clip. Then I animate the heads movement(from far left to far right) INSIDE the head object. After this, I exit the object, and whenever I need to have the head turn in a certain direction, I click it once, and set the current frame of the graphics object from the bottom.

Wow, you're a genius XD
Well, here's a little info in my new movie.


Haha thanks. The trick above can be used for several things, but I wont go into details. The only downside is that graphics objects take a lot more room as far as filesize is concerned, compared to movie clips.

O.o Ah. I see...

Sorry, never played perfect dark, but i was thinking mre like HL2 but a little less advanced.

Yeah, something like that, I guess :)

Great Just great. I loved everything about it. I especially liked the name Ruby. I unfortunately didn't know about you giving updates for BK 4 (Let alone this page) So I had fears of no Bunnykill ever again. But then I saw it looming on the frontpage and I did a full backflip and turned it on instantly. Bunnykill forever. Can't wait for BK5

I really like it, it looks like a game. Are you gonna make a BK game?

Ehh, we'll see =P

Man those close-ups of them were great. You should post some in the art portal and do one of Snowball when he goes all kick-ass.
Great job on the whole thing. I can wait for the next one just don't take 16 months (ahem alvin-earthworm ahem ahem...)

hmm.... I DO have an account on DeviantArt, called 'Mottis'
But I don't upload stuff there anymore. Got kind of tired of drawing way back when.

Whatever you do DON'T let anyone pressure you to put it out even the slightest bit. Everyone will gladly wait however long it takes you to make the next one so disregard the 16 month comment I left...

Every Shadow has its Master

I was bored, so i drew Ruby :))
<a href="http://art.ngfiles.com/images/21/furix_ruby.gif">http://art.ngfiles.com/images/21/furi x_ruby.gif</a>

Haha nice! d^_^

glad you liked it ^____^

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